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  • Ankit Uttam

From Dorm Room to Warehouse: 21-year-old spent $300 to start his side hustle. Now earns $38,000 a day

Introduction: An Unexpected Viral Sensation

When Jayson Siu, a freshman at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, first experienced the viral power of social media, he was caught completely off guard. In October 2021, a TikTok video featuring one of his products - an LED-lined rearview mirror - began accumulating views at an astounding rate. This sudden burst of attention translated into an equally sudden surge in sales, with Siu's fledgling business raking in an impressive $12,000 in a single day.

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Jayson Siu

"I was totally unprepared," Siu recalls, describing the chaotic aftermath of his first viral moment. The young entrepreneur found himself rushing to Office Depot, where he spent hours printing and manually cutting labels to fulfill the flood of incoming orders.

The Birth of From Stickers to Success

Humble Beginnings

Siu's journey into the world of entrepreneurship began during his senior year of high school. Working as a valet, he harbored a desire to accessorize his own vehicle, a Nissan Rogue SUV. This personal interest, combined with the popularity of car stickers among his peers, sparked an idea.

With $300 saved from a previous side hustle, Siu invested in a vinyl printer and began selling stickers to friends on Snapchat. These modest offerings, priced between $3 and $5, marked the inception of what would later become

Leveling Up: The LED Mirror Innovation

As Siu's ambitions grew, so did his product line. Aspiring to purchase more expensive car parts, he realized the need for a more lucrative product. Inspiration struck when he stumbled upon an LED-backlit rearview mirror on Instagram.

"I could be the one selling this," Siu thought, seizing the opportunity. He ordered a $20 mirror from a Chinese factory and got to work, customizing it with LED lights and his popular "drive safe" sticker. This innovative combination of lighting and personalization would soon become his signature product.

Riding the Waves of Virality

The First Surge

Siu's business experienced its first major breakthrough in October 2021, when the TikTok video of his LED mirror went viral. The resulting $12,000 in daily sales was just a taste of what was to come.

The Second Wave

A year later, lightning struck twice. Another of Siu's videos, this time featuring an LED-backed light-up sticker, exploded on TikTok, amassing over 9 million views. The impact on was staggering - $38,000 in revenue over the next 24 hours.

Scaling Up: From Side Hustle to Serious Business

Impressive Growth's trajectory has been nothing short of remarkable. In 2022, the business generated $512,000 in revenue, with Siu estimating that roughly 30% of those earnings were profit. Even more impressively, the company has already surpassed those figures in the current year.

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The Challenges of Rapid Expansion

With success came new challenges. Siu now dedicates at least 40 hours per week to, all while maintaining a full college course load. The business outgrew its original base in his parents' two-bedroom Honolulu apartment, necessitating the rental of a warehouse in the summer of 2023.

"I'm super stressed all the time," Siu admits, reflecting on the pressures of his growing enterprise. "It's not just a business in my [parents'] house where I can just, you know, pause it anymore. Now it really has to work."

Navigating the Entrepreneurial Journey

Product Evolution

As grew, so did its product range. Siu expanded beyond stickers and mirrors, introducing customized cupholders, visors, and license plates. However, his two flagship products - stickers and LED mirrors - remained the primary drivers of sales.

Combining these popular items, Siu created his most successful product yet: light-up stickers that can change colors via remote control. This innovative fusion epitomizes Siu's knack for identifying and meeting market demands.

Marketing Strategies and Lessons Learned

Siu's path to sustainable growth wasn't without its hurdles. After his initial viral success, he struggled to maintain consistent sales, turning to social media advertising with mixed results.

"I was wasting, like, thousands of dollars," Siu recalls of his early marketing efforts. "I was barely breaking even, even losing money some months. It was super unmotivating."

Through trial and error, Siu refined his approach, focusing his budget on platforms that yielded the best results: TikTok, Google, Facebook, and Instagram. This strategic pivot, combined with his commitment to regular TikTok content creation, laid the groundwork for's sustained success.

Balancing Act: The Student-Entrepreneur Life

Time Management and Prioritization

Juggling a booming business with college responsibilities requires careful time management. Siu schedules most of his classes before noon, dedicating afternoons and evenings to This schedule allows him to focus on his studies while still giving the business the attention it needs.

Support System and Expansion

As the business grew, Siu enlisted help from family and friends. His mother and girlfriend assist with order management and packing, while recently hired contractors help with TikTok content creation. These additions to the team have been crucial in managing the increasing workload.

Investments in Growth

To accommodate the business's expansion, Siu made significant investments. The warehouse rental costs $1,500 per month, and he financed a Toyota 4Runner SUV to streamline shipping logistics. These expenses reflect the transition of from a side hustle to a full-fledged business operation.

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Looking to the Future

Aspirations and Challenges

Despite his success, Siu acknowledges the personal sacrifices his business demands. "There aren't enough hours in a day to run a highly lucrative business and act like a traditional college student," he reflects. Currently, the business takes precedence, but Siu hopes to achieve a better work-life balance in the future.

His long-term goal is to build a team that can manage the day-to-day operations, allowing him more time for personal pursuits and leisure. However, the path to this goal remains uncertain.

Continuous Innovation

Not content to rest on his laurels, Siu is already exploring new side hustle ideas with friends he's met online. This forward-thinking approach underscores his entrepreneurial spirit and suggests that may be just the beginning of Siu's business ventures.

The tale of is far from over, and the business world will undoubtedly be watching to see what this young entrepreneur does next. As Siu himself puts it, "I'm trying to figure that part out" - a humble acknowledgment that in the world of business, learning and growth are constant companions on the path to success.

What to Sell in 2024: Unearth Profitable Products

If you dream of starting your own online store like Siu then you need to read what products you can sell to make money as your side hustle.

This article will guide you through finding profitable products.

We will discuss the top trends for 2024 and how to use them to make more online sales.

Let’s dive in and get started!

Identifying Market Trends for Profitable Online Sales Growth in 2024

Keeping up with market trends is key in today's fast-changing e-commerce world. By understanding these trends, you can meet what customers need and grow your sales online. We'll look at how you can make sure your online business does well in 2024.

Market trends are crucial for the success of your online store. They're shaped by changing consumer habits, new tech, and economics. Watching these trends closely lets you adjust your strategies. This way, you can offer sought-after products.

Online sales have been growing faster than traditional stores. This growth trend will likely keep up in 2024. This makes selling things online a great way for businesses to reach more people and make more money.

Finding profitable products that fit current market trends is vital. You should look into markets to find categories with high demand. This will help you pick products that people are likely to buy, driving up your profits.

Using data and analysis can help you spot trends early. Looking into what people are buying and industry reports gives you clues into what might be popular. Using this info, you can choose the right products for your store.

E-commerce platforms and marketplaces also have a big influence. They reach a vast audience and can share insights that point you towards trends. Working with them can introduce you to more customers. This can be a big plus for your online store.

Aligning your products with what people want can boost your sales in 2024. Be proactive, and adjust with the market. This is the way to stay ahead in the e-commerce game.

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Maximizing E-commerce Strategies with High-Margin Product Selling

To succeed in e-commerce, you must sell high-margin products wisely. This means carefully choosing which products to sell. You should not only consider what's popular, but also what can bring more profit. Mixing these two types of products can help you reach more customers. It also boosts your earnings.

Strategically Balancing Product Selection

Choosing products for your e-commerce store needs a good balance. You should mix popular items with high-margin products. This ensures you don't miss out on big sales or profits. It's all about finding a sweet spot.

Start by looking at market trends and what customers want. Maybe a product has a unique selling point that others don't. Or it meets a special need. These are the products that could bring in bigger profits. By carefully selecting products, you attract customers and make more money.

Optimizing Pricing for Maximum Profitability

Getting the pricing right is key to boosting sales on high-margin products. First, study the market to see what others are charging. This helps you choose prices that attract customers and make you money.

Try using dynamic pricing based on things like customer demand or season. Keep an eye on how the market changes. Then, adjust your prices to make the most profit. This approach can lead to big sales and profit.

Incorporating Upselling and Cross-Selling Techniques

Upselling and cross-selling can make a big difference in your earnings. When a customer is ready to buy, suggest other products that go well together. This could be something that adds value to their main purchase.

Recommend products based on what the customer has bought before. This personal touch can make your customers feel understood. It leads to more sales because people like offers that are tailored to them.

Upselling works when you offer an upgrade or a better version of what the customer already wants. Cross-selling involves offering extra products that go well with the main one. These strategies can increase what each customer spends.

When you're suggesting more to buy, explain why it's a good idea. Point out how these extra products or upgrades can make the main purchase even better. People are more likely to buy things when they understand the full value.

By using these strategies, you'll not only boost sales but also increase your profits. Keep an eye on what works and adapt your approach. That's how you stay ahead in the world of e-commerce.

The Rise of Pet Accessories in the Online Marketplace

As pet owners, we love to spoil our furry friends. And with pet accessories booming online, it's easy to show love. You can also make some money in this growing market.

From cool collars to warm beds and fun toys, the pet accessories world is massive. Pet lovers are always looking to improve their pets' lives. The internet marketplace is full of options just for them.

If you jump into this market, you can meet a big need. More and more people want cool stuff for their pets. With a smart approach, you could become a top place for pet owners to shop.

The online world lets you reach anyone, anywhere. Use social media and ads to show off your pet gear. You could get customers from all over.

Another plus is that you can let customers personalize their goods. Let them pick colors or add their pet's name. It makes each item special.

"The convenience and variety offered by the online marketplace have made it the go-to destination for pet owners looking for unique and high-quality accessories for their pets."

This market is also great for new businesses. Find what's missing and offer something new. You'll stand out and do well.

By focusing on good marketing and quality, you can grow your brand. This means happy customers and good sales over time.

So, if you love pets or want a new business, check out the pet accessories market online. There's a lot of room for success here. Dive in and see for yourself.

Targeting Consumer Needs: Baby Necessities for Online Retail

Online retail places a big focus on baby necessities. Parents and those who care for babies are always looking for essential items. This search makes it a profitable area for those selling online.

You can capture this market by offering a wide variety of baby needs. This includes everything from diapers to car seats. Such products are always in demand.

More and more parents are shopping online for deals on baby items. A store that offers a wide selection and easy shopping can become their favorite one.

Understanding the needs of parents is crucial. They look for safety, quality, and convenience in what they buy. Offer them products that are both safe and reliable to win them over.

One big plus of selling baby stuff online is detailed information and reviews. Parents need this info to choose the right products for their little ones. Help make their decision easier by providing accurate and detailed product info.

Lucrative Product Marketing: Low-Cost Home Comforts That Sell

If you're in search of products to sell, think about low-cost home comforts. They're great for boosting sales. Plus, they give your customers a way to make their home life better without breaking the bank.

"Creating a cozy and comfortable home environment is a priority for many people, and they are willing to invest in affordable products that can help them achieve that."

When you market these items, focus on their value. Talk about how they make homes cozier, more welcoming, or prettier. This way, customers see exactly how these products can benefit them.

  1. Use persuasive language: Write product descriptions that inspire. Make customers imagine the comfort, relaxation, and warmth these products will bring to their home.

  2. Create engaging visuals: Use beautiful images and videos. Let customers see how these items can enhance different living spaces.

  3. Offer affordable bundles: Create bundles of related products. This gives customers more for less. For example, pair cozy blankets with decorative pillows.

  4. Leverage customer testimonials: Show off good reviews. Let happy customers’ stories speak to those who are interested in your products.

With these marketing tactics, you can boost interest in low-cost home comforts. And, stand out as a top choice for those looking to improve their living spaces on a budget.

Sell Profitable Products: Mastering Hybrid Work Attire Sales

Today, many professionals work partly from home and partly from the office. This mix has opened a door for businesses to sell items that meet this new way of working. Such a model includes the need for special work clothes.

Hybrid work attire is becoming very popular. It's because people now want clothes that work in both their home and office. They want something that's stylish and comfy at the same time.

To do well in this market, you need to know what both remote and office workers like. You should have a variety of work clothes that are comfy, look good, and can be used in many ways. This way, your brand can become a favorite for those working in a hybrid way.

Use materials that are comfy wherever you go. Also, make sure your designs are a mix of polished looks and what's in style. This will help professionals feel good and look right for any occasion.

"Hybrid work attire is not just about clothing; it is about empowering professionals to feel confident and productive, regardless of their work location."

Use online stores to show off your work clothes. Make your product pages look great. Use awesome pictures, clear descriptions, and strong words to catch people's attention and make them want to buy.

Use social media to connect with your buyers. Post pictures of happy customers in your clothes. And share useful info that shows you understand the balance these workers seek.

By selling the right hybrid work clothes, you can win over a big category of buyers. These are the professionals who need stylish yet functional clothes for their work lives. Stay ahead by knowing what they want and by being creative with your solutions.

Capitalizing on Outdoor Leisure: A Niche with Exponential Growth

Online, finding hot-selling items linked to trends is key. In recent times, one area that's boomed is outdoor leisure. More folks are looking for outdoor fun, driving up the demand for gear and activities.

This area covers a lot - camping, hiking, and fishing are just a few activities. People love being in nature, which keeps outdoor product sales on the rise.

Selling things for outdoor fun is smart now. Think of selling stuff like camping gear or clothes for adventurers. There's a lot to gain in this growing market.

Want to catch the eye of outdoor lovers? Sell top-notch gear that makes being outside fun. You can offer tough tents or hiker-friendly boots.

When you sell outdoor items, focus on their strong points. Tell how your gear makes outdoor times better. This will draw in customers keen on great gear.

Keep your finger on the pulse of new outdoor trends and gear. By knowing what’s hot, you can sell more and draw in customers chasing after the best.

Working with outdoor-loving influencers can be a big help. Their shoutouts can get your stuff known to more outdoor fans. It’s a way to build trust and hike up your sales.

The outdoor leisure market's growth means big chances to succeed. By selling quality goods and staying up-to-date, you can shine in this field.

Driving Revenue with Carcare Products in the E-commerce Space

Want to make more money in e-commerce? Selling carcare products could be your answer. The car industry is growing, and so is the need for quality carcare items, both for car lovers and daily drivers.

You can make good money by selling carcare items in your shop. These can be products like waxes, polishes, or special tools for inside cleaning. Vehicles need these products for both their looks and their condition.

With more people proud of their cars, carcare products are very popular. Adding these items to your store means you'll get more customers who love taking care of their vehicles.

Always pick top-quality carcare items to sell. Car fans and owners look for the best in performance to keep their cars running well.

Don't forget to show off each product's features on your site. Good descriptions and images are a must. They help customers see the product's benefits and might encourage a purchase.

You might also want to try offering deals. Bundling products or running special promotions can make customers buy more at once. This raises your profits by increasing the money spent per order.

Staying on top of industry trends and new products is crucial. It keeps your store relevant and lets you meet your customers' changing needs.

Introducing carcare products to your shop can be a great move. It opens the door to more sales, especially from car lovers and regular drivers, boosting your business's income.

Plant-Based Products: Tapping Into the Green Consumer Market

Today's world is more aware of the environment. Because of this, the need for plant-based products is increasing. People want eco-friendly choices, such as food, beauty items, and household goods. This creates a big chance for companies to enter the growing green market and sell products that are good for the planet.

Using plant-based parts in your products can serve the demand for sustainable choices. This attracts people who care about the Earth. You'll find great opportunities in making food for vegans and vegetarians, or in creating beauty items that are natural and do not harm animals.

Being part of the green market isn't just about making money. It's also about making the planet healthier and meeting what customers value. People now want products that are good for them and the planet. They want to support brands that do good, not harm.

When you market your plant-based items, talk about their health and eco benefits. Share stories and examples that touch the heart to show how they can make a real difference. This connection is key to winning over customers who value the Earth.

To really succeed in the green market, always be in the know. Look for new plant ingredients and make products that are one-of-a-kind. Use eco-friendly packaging. Also, always stay in touch with what eco-conscious consumers want. This way, your products will always appeal to them.

Getting on board with the plant-based trend is great for your business and the planet. See what the green consumer market can offer you. Start now and see how profitable and impactful your plant-based products can be.

The Demand for DIY Tools: Profit From the Maker Movement

Today, more people than ever are getting into DIY. This DIY movement focuses on being creative with projects. Whether it's making something from wood, fixing up your home, or doing arts and crafts, DIY is a fun way to let your creativity flow and make unique things.

To join in this trend, businesses need to know their DIY customers. DIY tools are key for any project. They help people turn their plans into real things. Offering high-quality and new DIY tools can make your shop a favorite among makers.

Understanding the DIY Customer Persona

DIYers enjoy being self-reliant and making things personal. They love to try new things and find creative solutions. To attract them, it's important to know what they like and what drives them.

These crafty folks come in all levels. Some are just starting and need easy tools. Others are pros looking for the best gear. Do your research to offer exactly what they need.

Selecting Products That Empower Buyers

When picking DIY items, think about what makers want. Choose tools that are strong, easy to use, and fit different skill levels. You can pick from power tools, hand tools, or special gear. Just make sure they are top-quality and give makers the power to create.

You might also offer how-to guides, project tips, and shared spaces online. This way, DIYers can get advice, show off their work, and learn from each other. It helps to build a community around your brand and show that you are all about DIY.

Knowing what makers need and meeting those demands can lead your business to success. With a good selection of tools and a community spirit, you can thrive in the booming DIY market. Remember, it's all about empowering your customers and being their top choice.


In this article, we looked at the top trends and products you can profit from online in 2024. Knowing market trends and choosing products with high margins can boost your e-commerce success. This means more money for you. Also, using good pricing and upselling techniques can help even more.

Certain niches like pet accessories, baby needs, affordable home items, work clothes for a mix of home and office, fun outdoor stuff, carcare, and plant-based items offer big chances. You can start a successful online shop by focusing on these niche markets.

It's also smart to think about DIY customers and pick products that support their creativity. Enabling shoppers to make products can lead to more sales. These customers are usually very interested and invested in their projects.

By following the tips in this article, you can make a good profit online in 2024. Now is the time to act. Use these ideas to make more money, keep customers happy, and reach your business goals.




My name is Ankit Uttam

I'm an Author (20+ books- A few of them have been on bestsellers charts too), and I'm a solopreneur who is trying to learn each day about how to navigate this growing space and also help a few people along the way.

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